Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Strangest thing...

Last Saturday I did what was without a doubt the smartest thing I've ever done. Ride 70 miles (at a harder intensity than I've done all year) and then go and do a 40-minute power threshold test at Vision Quest. I'm so smart. That was so awesome. My legs felt so good afterward. And during, too. Man, I can't recommend this one enough. Really. I mean, I should have just ridden 100. And harder.

I just went shopping for clothes for the first time in, oh, roughly 10 years. This year is automatically going to be bizarre.

How good is The Usual Suspects?

Monday, January 26, 2009

24, bikes, and pasta

Without Steve here this past weekend, the house was less.... combative? Jokingly gay? Yeah. Just signed up for a power/HR threshold test at Vision Quest for the first weekend in February. Time to see some actual numbers that will tell me how pitiful I really am. Exciting, to be humiliated in front of a bunch of other people. But who knows, maybe I'll churn out numbers that I didn't think were possible for me in February.

OK, I've got to go make some delicious whole wheat pasta with some lightly sauteed green and red peppers, jalapeno sausage, and a mushroom red sauce, and watch 24. Kill them all, Mr. Bauer. Kill them all.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

And now I'm 25

Yikes. Another birthday. I feel like this should be the official start of the quarter-life crisis, and yet all I can think about is how this year is going to be so good. Best January shape of my life, best mental shape of my life, and I subscribe to Netflix now. I mean, my life probably couldn't be better. Unless Superdrag released a new record. Oh, right. Happy St. Patrick's Day to me.

And can I just say deciding to commute through the winter on my bike was the greatest decision I've made in a long time? Hardly anything is as fun or as satisfying as riding through a near-blizzard in 10-degree Chicago wind chills along the lake. My favorite thing is when people at work ask, "How can you do that?" and all I want to reply with is that it's easily the best part of my day, but know that it won't make sense to them.

I need to hang out with people who ride bikes more.